Webinars on different functions in flexite

Right now we are conducting a number of webinars especially for our customers where we go through and show how different functions of flexite work.

Last week we started with two well-attended webinars. In the first webinar, Karolina Klang showed how the new replacement service and other selected news from the latest version flexite 9.4 work. In the second webinar, Niklas Olsson explained what custom e-mail is and showed how flexite’s advanced features for sending user-friendly e-mails work. 

This week and the weeks to come, we continue with more webinars.

The Statistics Tool

June 2 9.00-12.00 with Lina Obitz

Learn the basics to meet your organization’s statistical needs. We show how to manage and configure lists, filters, rights and statistics based on managerial roles.

Erase data

June 4 9.00-12.00 with Niiina Heinonen

Adapt your applications to GDPR by deleting data that is no longer needed. We show how flexites automatic erase function works. 

Reports in flexite

June 10, 9.00-12.00 with Sara Tällberg

Documentation for meetings, report receipts and other types of reports. We show you how to create different reports in the report designer and how they can be used in flexite.

Smooth Forms

June 16, 9.00-12.00 with Lina Obitz

Apply Smooth Forms as a web and mobile reporting and management interface.