Simplify the administration of work injuries
Simplify the administration of work injuries and save time by integrating with Arbetsmiljöverket and Försäkringskassan.

How can administration be simplified with flexite?
Via a digital deviation process for work injuries in flexite, you can, through an integration, make direct deliveries of work injuries to Försäkringskassan through Arbetsmiljöverkets API.
The solution replaces the entire procedure with paper forms both for delivery to authorities, the internal investigation required of you as an employer and the correspondence between you as an employer and the employee who has suffered an occupational injury.

What does the law say? How do today’s organizations handle the legal requirements?
Within the framework of the Act on Systematic Work Environment Work, all companies and organizations must have a functioning internal deviation management and continuous improvement work.
When accidents and illnesses occur at work, this must be reported to Arbetsmiljöverket och Försäkringskassan. This has historically been done with the so-called Occupational Injuries Form, ie. a PDF file that is printed and filled in manually. It is signed and sent by regular mail to Försäkringskassan and then forwarded to Arbetsmiljöverket. For a few years now, it has also been possible to report the injury via
This procedure has provided it primarily for organizations with many cases. Work injuries can not only be handled in internal systems, but also need to be handled in paper forms or via
If you use flexite instead, you have the opportunity to handle both the internal and external administration in the same system, including meeting legal and delivery requirements for Försäkringskassan and Arbetsmiljöverket.

Malmö Stad – first out!
Malmö Stad was the first organization in Sweden to go live with flexite’s new integration solution for occupational injury management.
With its approximately 26,000 employees, Malmö has previously chosen flexite as a system for its deviation management within Work Environment and Safety. When it was time to further streamline the process, it was natural to review what integration opportunities were available.
As flexite has integrations via Arbetsmiljöverket and Försäkringskassan, flexite was the only system that met the city’s high requirements in procurement.
Maria Källstrand, Unit manager and HR Strategist, Malmö Stad
Arbetsmiljöverket looks forward to continued digital development
Arbetsmiljöverkets task is to ensure that the work environment meets the requirements of the Work Environment Act that everyone must have a good and developing work environment. Occupational injuries (bodily injuries as well as mental illness) are reported by the employer to Försäkringskassan. The information is also forwarded to Arbetsmiljöverket and forms the basis for e.g. Sweden’s occupational injury statistics.
Ann Ponton Klevestedt is unit manager for statistics and analysis within Arbetsmiljöverket and responsible for Arbetsmiljöverkets collaboration with Flexite. Ann looks forward to the benefit that Arbetsmiljöverket receives when more and more organizations can deliver data electronically directly from their own system.
– The connection process has gone smoothly and flexite as a system has in a good way matched the requirements set by Arbetsmiljöverket, Ann states.
A collaboration agreement has been signed where flexite is generally approved for deliveries to Arbetsmiljöverket and Försäkringskassan. This makes it easier for new organizations that use flexite to join and start delivering data electronically.
Ann Ponton Klevestedt, Unit Manager for Statistics and Analysis, Arbetsmiljöverket
Do you want to know more about work injuries?

Lina Obitz
+46 660-29 95 13